Commodore Update May 2024

As summer fades into the distance we look back at what has been accomplished this season so far.

  • We have run regatta's which were well received by the competitors and built in numbers again on last season

  • Our members have travelled around the country to compete in other clubs Regatta's with great results - with Ohope just weeks away and a large contingent from Taupo are attending

  • The winter series for the centre board yachts begins in Tauranga where some of our younger sailors will competing

  • Our winter series for the trailer yachts has begun with the usual suspects, would be great to see more of the club trailer yachts out there.

My congratulations go to the Tauhara 420's team who competed at the nationals in New Plymouth and came third in the Bronze fleet. A great result for such a young team, with 3 of the members only learning to sail this season. A big thanks needs to go to Nicky and Shane Hancock and Tash for catering and caring for the team and waving the LTYC flag. The cook off before the Regatta done by sailors Mums, made catering for the hungry mouths a lot easier.

We have been working on our patrol boats over the past months with the motors in both needing attention. RAZZ needed a tune and birthday, while P6 had a blown head gasket. After a few teething problems I am happy to say they are both running well. 

I applied for funding from Mercury Energy and they have generously given us their support to replace the pontoons and trailer on Contact. This will hopefully be done over the winter so that it is ready for the next season.  We are also applying for funding for other maintenance on boats. We should hear back on this soon.

The annual prize giving is coming up on  the 18th May  with the AGM a month later on 16th June.  Tickets for the meal for the prize giving are available from the website with the instructions on how to make the booking.  It would be great to see all of the members back in the clubhouse for the event.

A huge thank you to everyone that has volunteered throughout the season for a number of reasons, from regatta organisation and support, boat maintenance, bar duty and admin & general organisation.  Further thank you to the committee who have worked tirelessly in their own time on top of full time jobs to keep the club running.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated and we welcome new members for the coming year to jump on board and add their flair to the awesome team we are.

See you out on the water or back in the club.



Gulf Classic