A message from the Commodore
The past few months have flown by. I attended the Commodores conference in Auckland and found that most other clubs were facing the same issues that we do. The need for funding to allow to run the facility and all of the calendar programs for all ages, falling numbers of members and the large number of senior members who are no longer sailing among many others.
I met with the funding coordinator for the Lion Foundation and had a great chat with her about our facilities and ideas of future needs. She was receptive to supporting us as we are central and have a reputation for being great hosts and running well supported events.
John Thornton has coordinated the replacement of our clubhouse roof and the painting of the facility. The finished product will put the club in good stead for years to come. Thank you to John and the team of members who have assisted.
The refrigeration unit for the chiller has been replaced and is now a lot more energy efficient.
We still need to remount the air conditioning units on new metal brackets and have the units serviced so that they are in good working condition. The unit nearest to the CBD was almost blown over during the roof replacement and no longer operates. If you are able to assist please make contact with me and we will work out a time and day when members are available. It will need about five strong bodies to coordinate the event.
I have organised an aluminium platform complete with hand rails to be mounted in place of the timber tower deck. This will mean that all of the fittings on the new roof are metal and should not deteriorate like the old timber ones have.
Phil Clarke and I met with councillor Yvonne Westerman regarding the rowing and waka clubs becoming members and using our facilities. After some robust discussion we sent her back to council with the issues we face and some large-scale ideas for the development of the area between the existing club and town. The ideas were extravagant and made Yvonne sit up and take notice, wondering how or if the upgrade could be funded. We await future communications from council.
As we had no nomination for Vice Commodore at the AGM, Phil Latham has offered to stand as Acting Vice Commodore. The committee has received and accepted his offer. Thank you for your time and assistance Phill.
And that is a taste of what's going on,