Enter below for Bayleys Taupo Centreboard Regatta incorporating the ILCA North Island Freshwater Championship Sail Number * Yacht Class * ILCA 7 ILCA 6 Starling Optimist Open Optimist Green Optimist Rainbow Open ILCA Category If you are sailing a ILCA please complete the below Youth (Under 18) Open (19-34) Apprentice Master (35-44) Master (44-54) Grand Master (55-64) Great Grand Master (65 to 74) Legend (75 and over) Open Class If you selected Open Class above, please enter your class below. Helmsperson Name * First Name Last Name Helmsperson Email * Helmsperson Yacht Club * Phone * Country (###) ### #### Crew #1 (if applicable) First Name Last Name Crew #1's Yacht Club Protecting Lake Taupo * I confirm that I have taken the appropriate measures with, not being limited to, my boat, trailer, associated equipment, clothing and any other item which may be used in this regatta, which may have been in contact with infected waterways to prevent the spread of Didymo, Golden Clams or other invasive species, weeds or other matter and pests into Lake Taupo. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring any water has been drained from my hull prior to traveling to and launching on Lake Taupo. See these links for detail on cleaning your boat and equipment: (https://www.mpi.govt.nz/outdoor-activities/boating-and-watersports-tips-to-prevent-spread-of-pests/check-clean-dry/ and https://www.mpi.govt.nz/biosecurity/exotic-pests-and-diseases-in-new-zealand/pests-and-diseases-under-response/freshwater-gold-clam/ ). If requested by the Organising Authority I will clean any equipment requested prior to sailing on Lake Taupo. I understand that failure to do this will result in my entry not being accepted for this regatta. I, and a legal guardian, if aged under 18, acknowledge and confirm the above. Declaration: I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and all other rules that govern this event. I understand that yacht racing has inherent risks and dangers that are beyond the control of the organizing authority. I understand that neither the organising authority and its officers, members and servants nor other persons assisting with the conduct of the regatta accept any responsibility in respect of any injury or loss to person or property that may be sustained by reason of participation in the regatta or howsoever arising in connection with the regatta. I agree to the use of my photograph(s) and other relevant information in any event publicity and in the ongoing promotion of New Zealand yachting. I agree to the Organising Authority and Yachting New Zealand holding the above information for the general administration and well-being of the sport, and for them to retain, use and disclose the information to affiliated organisations and any other persons or organisations that Yachting New Zealand believes will further the interests and objectives of Yachting New Zealand. I acknowledge my right to access to and correction of this information. The consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. I, and a legal guardian if aged under 18, acknowledge that all information given is correct. Thank you!